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More than half of young drivers admit to illegal phone use

A poll commissioned by the RAC finds that 55 per cent of motorists under the age of 25 admit to taking voice calls without hands-free technology while driving.

This figure is a rise from 49 per cent in 2023. However, the number remains closely consistent with that recorded in 2016 when the RAC first began including the question within its annual report on motoring.

It compares with a figure of 27 per cent for illegal mobile use amongst drivers of all ages in 2024.

The data reveals that the issue of illegal phone usage behind the wheel stretches beyond calls and texts, particularly amongst young drivers:

  • 43 per cent admitted to listening to a voice note without a hands-free kit
  • 40 said they have made or received a video call
  • 30 per cent said they have taken a photo or recorded a video
  • 12 said they have played a game on a mobile.

Interestingly, 77 per cent of drivers polled would support the idea of a widespread rollout of roadside cameras which can detect illegal phone use, like those recently trialled in Devon and Cornwall. The project caught nearly 300 drivers looking at their mobile phone behind the wheel over just a three-day period.

RAC road safety spokesman Rod Dennis said, “It’s extremely concerning that despite now having a ‘zero tolerance’ handheld phone law in place, an increasing number of young drivers appear to be using their phones to call, text, voice note or even video chat while operating a vehicle.

“We suspect a major reason for this is drivers not believing they are likely to be caught.

“But, hopefully, growing use of AI cameras which allow police to detect drivers breaking the law will get the message across that offenders will be caught.

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